Book review – Blood Oath (The Beast Hunters 3)

Title: Blood Oath

Author: Christer Lende

Pages: 270

Name of the series: The Beast Hunters

Book nr: 3

Published: 2023

Publisher: C. A. Lende Publishing

Genre: Fantasy

ISBN: 9788269215052

Cover: Andrei Bat

My rating: 6/6


I received a copy of this book from the author, Christer Lende.


(This is the third book in the series, and this review might not make much sense for new readers. Here are the links to BOOK ONE and BOOK TWO, so you can avoid spoilers😊)


Ara, Khendric, and Topper are in a delicate situation. Chronor – an ancient Voreen god with evil intentions – was elected King of Ashbourn, and the whole city is crumbling. The beast hunters and their friends are the only ones who know Chronor’s real identity, and they must do something before it is too late.

Chronor develops power by the number of followers he has, and after the election, he became more powerful. But the beast hunters aren’t sure he has reached his final phase. If he hasn’t, there might still be a chance of defeating him. But to do so, they need allies. But who would believe them?

Luckily the former king of Ashbourn, Koradin, also senses something is wrong. He trusts the beast hunters, but he has lost much of his influence since the election and must therefore fight to be heard by his party members.

As the group continues to read in the book they stole from Chronor, they discover ways to kill this powerful God. To do so they need a voreen or divine weapon – and those are not easily obtained.

The whole situation seems impossible, and Chronor is acting more and more suspiciously. The beast hunters have never been up against anything like this, and enemies are everywhere. Who can they trust? And can they really fight a god?


“Blood Oath” is the exciting third book in the Beast Hunters– series and is the closure of their adventures in Ashbourn. I have loved to read this fantasy-thriller series, and this third book was breathtaking. It was full of plot twists, drama, fight scenes, war, strong emotions, and, of course, magic. This book has it all! The storyline is exciting, dramatic, and full of surprises from the beginning, and I love when I can never predict what happens next. The lore, setting, and world-building are so perfectly thought through that the story flows naturally – as if it took place in an actual reality.

If you like books with mystical monsters, character development, lots of action, and a complex fantasy world, then you should definitely check out this series!

I really hope there will be more books from this universe in the future.

Have a pleasant time reading!

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