Book review – A Court of Thorns and Roses, Acotar #1

Title: A Court of Thorns and Roses

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Pages: 435

Name of the series: Acotar

Book nr: 1

Published: 2015 (My edition: 2020)

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Genre: Fantasy, romance

ISBN: 9781526605399

My rating: 6/6


In a world where humans and faeries live separated by a giant wall, there is something dangerous lurking. For the past eight years the human girl, Feyre, has had to live as a huntress to save her family from starvation. Her family has lived in poverty since her father lost his fortune and was assaulted so badly that he cannot use his leg. Considering Feyre’s older sisters do not care to provide for the family, Feyre is the only one who stands between her family and death by starvation.

One day, further into the woods than she has ever hunted before, she sees a wolf. She is located fatally close to the invisible wall parting the mortal realm from the realm of the faeries. The thought that this giant wolf might actually be a shapeshifting faerie tempts her into killing it. Humans have hated faeries for centuries, and Feyre is no exception.

What Feyre does not know, is that her punishment will change her life forever. She is taken captive by a High Lord of the faeries and must stay there for the rest of her life. Her hate towards faeries makes her try everything to escape, even though her captivation is no prison. She gets to live as a guest, and life in the mansion is luxurious.

Getting to know her captors better, her opinion of faeries changes and her stay seems far less awful. She hears rumors of a blight threatening the land, killing, and torturing faeries, and she wants to help before it reaches the human realm. But as an illiterate human, she seems to have little way of stopping it. How can it be stopped? And what exactly is happening in Prythian? What is it that the faeries do not tell her?


“A Court of Thorns and Roses” is an amazing fantasy novel and is the first book in the Acotar series. This book is full of action, romance, horror, and beauty, and is totally captivating. Prythian, the fantasy world we get to visit, has exciting lore and magical worldbuilding, and I fell in love with the concept. We can enjoy a breathtaking story full of magic, love, hatred, betrayal, trauma, and action, and this book has one of the biggest plot twists I have ever read.

I absolutely adore this book. The plot, the world, and the characters are so well thought through, that I felt like I was inside the book while reading it. I literally could not put this book down!

This fantasy novel is perfect for young adults who love fantasy and is a book you simply cannot miss out on! In the world of BookTok, this book has basically already become a classic.

As I am writing this, I am already at the end of the second book of this series, and I can assure you that this is going to be an amazing series!

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