Book review – Dark Sovereign (The Beast Hunters of Ashbourn 2)

Title: The Beast Hunters – Dark Sovereign

Author: Christer Lende

Pages: 294

Name of the series: The Beast Hunters of Ashbourn

Book nr: 2

Published: 2022

Publisher: C. A. Lende Publishing

Genre: Fantasy, horror

ISBN: 9788269215021

Cover: Andrei Bat

My rating: 6/6


Ara, Khendric, and Topper have left Cornstead, and the three beast hunters are looking for a new case. In the capital city of Ashbourn, they meet a young man who has witnessed something horrible – a general was brutally murdered by some beast.

The city is in the middle of a coronation period. The four main political parties are fighting to promote their candidate so that their Chosen will become king. Beast hunters are not supposed to participate in politics, and the case the young man presents would definitely become a political one.

The Warborn Party – a party that focuses primarily on warfare – is spreading rumors of an upcoming war, and people consume these stories without being given any proof. According to the young man, this party has devious intentions, but they cannot prove how.

Mysterious things are going on in Ashbourn. Criminality is rising, food imports are stopped, and Ara is hearing suspicious voices planning something greater than they could possibly have imagined.

The beast hunters are clearly up against something beastly, and the further they investigate, the more dangerous the case becomes.

What is going on in Ashbourn? Can the Cornstead-case be linked to this one? What will happen if the Warborn Party wins the coronation?


Oh. My. Gosh. This fantasy book is absolutely breathtaking! “The Beast Hunters- Dark Sovereign” is the second book in the “The Beast Hunters of Ashbourn” series and it had me captivated from the beginning! This book takes us on an adventure filled with horror, magic, mystery, and action, and I simply couldn’t put it down! The depth of the story, the lore, and the characters are incredible, and it is a unique piece of fiction!

At times it gave me video game vibes, both by the way it escalated and how they had to fight multiple foes before handling a “super boss”. This is just my little fun thought 🙂

No words can explain how much I love this book. “The Beast Hunters of Ashbourn”-series deserves to be read by all fantasy geeks out there. You will not regret reading this! And the cliffhanger has me really excited about the next book!

Have a wonderful time reading!

The first book in The Beast Hunters of Ashbourn – series:

The Beast Hunters


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